New Clan 16
Date Owner Player Action
03.05.2021 21:42 rpg2_Houston. rpg2_Houston. Left the clan
03.05.2021 15:50 rpg2_Gaminator2000 MariusKGB Joined the clan
03.05.2021 15:45 D4NiEL rpg2_Grigos7 Joined the clan
03.05.2021 15:44 D4NiEL rpg2_Roscovanu Joined the clan
03.05.2021 15:29 D4NiEL rpg2_Dormeo.NoapteBuna Joined the clan
03.05.2021 15:28 D4NiEL rpg2_brulluMEDUZA Joined the clan
02.05.2021 23:44 rpg2_Gaminator2000 Balezzu.UCV Joined the clan
02.05.2021 23:41 D4NiEL rpg2_Gaminator2000 Got rank 6
02.05.2021 23:37 D4NiEL rpg2_Gaminator2000 Joined the clan
02.05.2021 19:12 SejwaL SejwaL Left the clan
02.05.2021 18:21 D4NiEL SejwaL Joined the clan
02.05.2021 18:07 D4NiEL Adrianovici Left the clan
02.05.2021 18:07 D4NiEL dannnnnni Left the clan
02.05.2021 18:07 D4NiEL WoozieK Left the clan
02.05.2021 18:05 WoozieK D4NiEL Promoted to clan owner